Saturday, December 17, 2011

12/17/2011 ~ Christmas Picture with Santa 2011


Lily told me how her teacher mentioned that if anyone heads to Upper Canada Mall for pictures with Santa, to pay the extra couple of dollars and order a "fastpass" online.  You print off your pre-paid ticket at home and line up in a separate line than the mall lineup.  They alternate one family from the mall lineup, and then one family from the fastpass line.  It meant that instead of lining up for what appeared to be a two hour wait, we were in and out of there with photos in hand in about ten minutes.  I felt like I stole a cookie from the cookie jar!  Best kept secret on earth.  And the greatest part is that our picture didn't turn out half bad!  No terror Claus this year. 

The pre-photo in house mayhem

My little lovelies with a wonderful (realistic) and nice Santa

Can't blame Claire for being terrified of this Terror Claus last year.

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