Wednesday, December 14, 2011

12/14/2011 ~ No More Nar Nars


Claire's in her 29th month and I'm a somewhat closet nurser but honestly, it's just more stressful to have to endure advice from folks who have no nursing experience to begin with.  In terms of feeding your children, do what you can, believe in what you do and make the most of what you've already got. Love this article.  But this week the time has come and Claire is weaned.  I started to believe I'd never see the day, but it has come.  I know that in Western culture I'm considered some sort of extended breastfeeder but I really don't look at it that way.  There are many parts of the world that nurse well beyond 2.5 years old.  It has always just felt more natural for me to feed my babies my own milk, than the milk of another species.  In the end, my ability to do that is thanks to my ability to be here with them.  Without that, it would have been impossible.  So yes, by Western standards I have pulled off the marathon of nursing and I'm proud of that.  But Claire did not self-wean as I have long read about.  I led the process and she was basically down to sleep related nursing anyway. As a replacement for nursing, Claire has asked to hold pieces of my hair while she falls asleep.  Tonight I asked Lily if she minds laying with her to see if she would accept Lily as a substitute for me.  It worked!  Five minutes later the little ladies were sleeping soundly and Claire slept through the night.

This is the end of an Era.  Lily nursed for a little over a year.  Griffin nursed for 2 years and 4 months and Claire nursed for 2 years and 5 months.  I feel relieved that it is over, but it is bitter sweet.  Some of my most precous moments of bonding and togetherness were as I nursed my children.  Nursing turned out to be a gift to us both.

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