Wednesday, December 14, 2011

12/11/2011 ~ Harley Comes to Aurora


Meema's visit continues and Harley pops over this morning to hang out as well.  We all went to watch Griffin play hockey and boy was he thrilled.  He shot past us at the glass and was clearly showing off as he rounded the net at warp speed.  He kept looking back at us and grinning and pumping his fist.  So proud of him.  Many goals and Meema was doing her best hockey Mom impersonation by cheering loudly. 

Claire decorated a graham cracker with candy cane pieces and little silver nonpareils that Harley thought were ball bearings.  Lily had the chance to build her Gingerbread house today but she still managed to take a little time out to tease Harley about his exposed Grinch boxer shorts as he napped on the couch after an Xbox bender the night before. 

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