Friday, December 9, 2011

12/9/2011 ~ Gingerbread and Candy Canes


Jangles was up to his usual antics last night and decided to drag race a Care Bear in the dining room.  The good news is that he brought a box of Candy Canes for the kids so we used some of those to help build a Gingerbread House this morning since Griffin was home from school.  Lots of fun for Griffin and I got to add many finishing touches so plenty of fun for me also.  We have another kit waiting for Lily to build but we both decided it would be more fun to tell her we made it without her before revealing her own kit. 
We're just mischievious like that! 


  1. Grandson your ginger bread house is fantastic!! We should partner up and build a large house !! LUV YA GRANDPA GRIFFIN

  2. Oh my goodness!! It's perfect!! Just like him!! XOXO

  3. Thanks Dad! I passed your compliment along and he would love to build a large house with you, ha! Love you too.

    Am yes, many similarities between the gingerbread house and Griff. They're both sweet, and they're both hard to resist biting in a moment of weakness. ;)
