Saturday, December 17, 2011

12/15/2011 ~ Christmas Concert Evening 2011


Lily still spends Wednesday lunch hour with the Primary Choir.  Next year she'll graduate to the Junior Choir.  Tonight the school held their 1st Annual Bake Sale and Christmas Concert.  We hit the bake sale first and I spent my time feeling phobic about eating someone's random baking.  Imagining a kid sneezing in the bowl but Mom was too invested to throw the batch out.  Not for me.  So we settled on some chocolate chip Christmas trees that I'm pretty sure were made out of Pillsbury dough because I saw the recipe for that on the container.  Just enough for Lily and Griffin to have one each.

Then we hit the gym and Griffin hung out with his pal while Claire squished a gooey brownie in an effort to eat it.  But I left the diaper bag in the car so I was hoping my dishwasher hands were dry enough to absorb the oil in the absence of wet wipes.  Then Lily's performance started and I was grinning from the cuteness.  Her last song was created by Mr. Stanley in his last year of teaching.  He was ispired by Jack Layton's Letter to Canadians and it was moving.  I had to choke back tears.  Lily teases me that I love Mr. Stanley.  She knows I have a weakness for guys who play the guitar.  He's retiring this year, and will be missed.

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