Wednesday, October 26, 2011

10/26/2011 ~ Welcome to the Tea Party


There will be a new moon tonight. I made it until almost 6pm before putting 2+2 together and finally venturing over to my google calendar to check my phases of the moon. Yes indeed, new moon tonight. I'm not 100% sure what the difference between a full moon and a new moon is but based on today's mayhem, not much.  That explains much of the heightened madness today. The kids were either bouncing off of the walls or melting down today. Just ask Amber, she spoke with me a couple of times and I'm pretty sure she could hear the fragility in my voice (or the wailing in the background). But speckled in between all that madness were some beautiful moments. I pulled out the camera and caught a couple to share with you. Claire enjoying Lily's old miniature tea set and Claire with her buddy running circles around eachother. Sometimes the simplest play is the purest fun. I won't get into how they decided to try popping the tea cups into their mouths or how they ended up whacking foreheads during their running game. We're trying to focus on the bright side here!

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