Tuesday, October 25, 2011

10/24/2011 ~ Second Successful Playdate Monday


Have I mentioned that I LOVE my new Monday's?  There's something to be said for mixing things up a little bit.  With Monday's dedicated to playdates, Griffin has been having lots of fun.  Today he went to his friend's house for four hours and came home tuckered out, a little muddy and in pure bliss.  It was a P.A. Day at the school so Lily had her friend over in the afternoon and I was really proud about how they included Griffin in their play.  They built a haunted house and made halloween drawings.  And every day is a playdate for Claire Bear.  Today we fashioned our ottoman into a toddler slide and the crew took turns climbing and sliding.  I had a good laugh trying to teach them "5 Little Pumpkins sitting on the gate".  They specialize in the "oooooooh" ghost noise and a great big clap when the light goes out.   Fun was had by all!
Beaming from ear to ear after his playdate with these handsome twins!

Ring Pop Power!

The Three Musketeers at the top of the slide.  They're laughing at me because they know how hard it was for me to wrangle this picture without someone sliding down!

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