Sunday, October 2, 2011

10/01/2011 ~ I giy Off!


Claire spent yesterday with her Nonna so I could do some preparation for Lily's upcoming Luau sleepover party this weekend.  They took a trip to the toy store and bought a Princess Potty.  Claire is a bright little 27 month old and truth be told, she could have made much more progress in the potty training department if her Mom was any good at hardball whatsoever.  Want to know who potty trained my other two children?  Nonna did.  So she arrived home sound asleep and I carried her up the stairs where she had a brief moment of lucidity from the hallway light. 
"Nonna got you a PRINCESS POTTY?"  I whispered to her.
"No!  I giy off!  I GIY OFF!" she protested.    Allow me to translate.  "I get off".  Clearly my girl put some time in on the princess potty today.  It was something that she wasn't happy with in that moment although by all accounts, she was thrilled to have sat on it during the day. 
Interestingly, she awoke with a dry diaper on October 1st.  I quickly parked her on the new potty and after a quick moment of rebellion when she felt the first three drips coming....she did manage to make her first big pee pee on the potty.  Here is proof!

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