Monday, October 17, 2011

10/17/2011 ~ Playdate with the Boys


Ever since Griffin was 15 months old, I have taken care of his little friend Brooklyn.  Recently, that ended and our Monday's are left without a playmate for Griffin.  The timing seemed perfect for me though because I believe Griffin really needs to be fostering his friendships with boys before all of his little girlfriends decide that he has cooties.  Two week ago we invited the first friend but the playdate flopped as his pal woke sick that day.  Last week was Thanksgiving long weekend, so we passed on scheduling one in favour of family time.  And then I had a playdate lined up for today but got into a chat with another Mom at school last week and thought she needed help with her twins today so I juggled the schedule around to watch them today and have the other set of twins next week instead.  As it turns out, I somehow messed that up and she really needed help next week but OH WELL we went ahead with the plan anyhow.  The boys played ghost pirates, tag, Star wars light sabres, punched the punching bag for a while, built lego and took turns shooting the marshmallow gun.  We finished it all off with a tattoo each and a chocolate ghost lollipop to take home.  Playdate number 1, a success!

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