Tuesday, November 8, 2011

11/8/2011 ~ Balloons


One of my little daycare kiddies arrived today with a half shrunken black balloon.  It took about a millisecond for the balloon to become the toy of choice for everyone in it's vicinity.  I made a quick pit stop into my party supplies tote box in the basement and came up with a bag of balloons for filling.  We blew the balloons into very small sizes to keep them from popping too soon and the kids hammed it up before the school run.  The toddlers spent a lot of the day vying for the balloon du jour and exploring which one was the squishiest and who could kick a balloon the farthest.  Good times had by all. 
Granny Lamanna and her droopy "balloons"

Oh Griffy, you're so silly!

Back away from my red balloon.  Back away NOW.

Encapsulating everything that balloons represent.  Hitting, catching, floating, holding and of course, bawling that someone looked at YOUR balloon.

The black balloon that inspired all this fun

A toddler's rule of possession: If it's in my hand, it's mine!

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