Friday, November 4, 2011

11/4/2011 ~ It Wasn't Me!


It's a big day for Griffin.  A long day of Kindergarten after which I picked him and his friend up from school for a playdate.  After the playdate I dropped them off at a birthday party from 5-7 at their friends house.  Excitement abounds.  At one point during the hide and go seek game my eyes fell upon the kitchen table from across the room.  Scribbles of what appeared to be marker across the wood.  "Someone coloured on the kitchen table.  Dad is going to flip out!  Who coloured on the kitchen table?!" I exclaimed as I approached to take a closer look.  "It wasn't me!" Griffin chimed in.
"Really Griffin?  Because it's your name, in YOUR handwriting!"

3rd playdate.  Peace out!

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