Saturday, December 17, 2011

12/16/2011 ~ Spirit Day Assembly & Haircut


I took a vacation day to accomplish a few things today. First I dropped the kids off at Kiss N' Ride for school. Started my day with a trip to polish off the stocking stuffer shopping. Then we hit Tim Horton's for a coffee to start my engines and a bunch of berry muffins for the kids to have as an after school snack attack (Lily's request). I had a haircut appointment and took off the dead ends but tried to keep all of my length as I'm working toward my DayZero goal of donating my hair for a wig for a Cancer patient by the summer.  It has to reach 12 inches in length before it can be donated.  Claire and I ran to Sears to pick up a catalog order and hit McDonalds on the way home. Then I put her for a little nap. When she woke, we went to the school about 40 minutes earlier than we really NEEDED to be there. I signed in at the office and strolled around with Claire. We saw Lily at recess and her friends swooned over how adorable Claire is. Then we went to Griffin's Kindergarten pen where all the boys were yelling for me to pass them the basketball that went over the fence so I passed it to Griffin and he beamed from ear to ear. I don't get to do these stay-at-home-Mom kind of things very often. I loved it. Next time I hear a SAHM vent, I might throw up a little bit in my mouth. Getting to volunteer in your children's classroom, that's the stuff dreams are made of in my world. Claire and I made our way to the gym where we got front row seats and I took a few pictures of the gym murals while she made friends with a baby girl a year her junior, but bigger than Claire. Griffin's class was parked directly in front of me, so I couldn't really see his face for the performance but it was so great being there. Lily's class was centered in the room and I got great footage of her dance. My camera wouldn't focus when she was at the mic to introduce the kindergarten performance but it's burned into my memory. Griffin's class wore their pajamas and Santa hats.  They held gingerbread men that they made and sang a Christmas song.  Lily's class tried to dress like Pioneers.  They have been doing a grade three unit on pioneers and performed a traditional pioneer dance.  She did a great job. Proud day to be a Mommy today.

1 comment:

  1. Must have been super busy with Christmas to see your daily pictures, here's the outfit I was curious about!
