Wednesday, December 14, 2011

12/10/2011 ~ Meema Comes to Aurora


My Mom came to town for the weekend!  I persuaded her to decorate my Christmas tree with the kids.  Griffin had me add a hook to his ornament, then he went and selected a spot on the tree while I added the next hook.  Lily decided to unbox and add all of her hooks up front, and then add all of her ornaments to the tree.  Claire spent her time attempting to break the candy garland of my youth by decorating her playhouse with it.  When she broke off a few of the toy lifesavers, she proceeded to deliver them to herself in the toy mailbox, over and over again.  Very little ornament breakage this year.  We just had a few chards of glass that came out of a box of ornaments from Nonna so I had a brief yelling session at the kids to run and get slippers on so I could pass the vaccuum and nobody would have to spend the next five days of their life bellowing to me about the shooting pain that the microscopic chard of glass (98% unreachable by tweezer) was sending into the heel of their foot.  Crisis averted.

We had a ham dinner and then we hunkered down for some Christmas movies and most of us passed out on the couches after a long debate about whether A Charlie Brown Christmas is boring as hell, or a classic.

Grif gives a horsie ride to Claire.

Lily gives a horsie ride to spaghetti cat

The tweaking of the branches, aka, the bain of my existence.

Happy Little Elves.

Up with the Angel

Lily adds ornaments to the bald spots

Decorated with Love

Loved this ham but ended up so dehydrated from the salt that I needed to apply blistex all night long!

Gingerbread Santa from her Meema!

The first two to drop off

Densely populated movie viewing area

Sweet sleeping Goddess

My sleeping Prince

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