Thursday, December 1, 2011

12/01/2011 ~ Gifts from Jangles


Our Elf on the Shelf Jangles was pleased to find a few pictures from the kids last night.  That crazy little fella set up our false Christmas tree while most of us were asleep and then he left a few gifts for the kids.  We found him riding the Reindeer!  What a nut.

As an aside, Lily got a free waterpik from her dentist this morning.  Yippee!


  1. I think as a child Elf on the shelf would have gave me some wild & scary dreams. Just sayin'

  2. Elf on the shelf brings gifts sometimes, so they're big fans. But I do remember that Griffin felt a little freaked out about the idea of an Elf having free reign on the house after everone else was asleep, last year. I told him that he never goes upstairs because he's afraid someone will wake up and he'll get in trouble from Santa.
