Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Moon and OTHER round things

It was one night before the full moon and I sat to watch t.v. with Paul in the family room.  The kids were fast asleep and partway through our show, I heard a noise from the livingroom.  I am very familiar with the noises in my house.  The familiar tapping sounds from the kitchen fan flap that blows in the wind and the rickety noises behind the fridge.  The creaks in certain walls when the house shifts and all else is silent.  The noisy floor boards in the center of the upstairs hallway.  But this tap sounded unfamiliar and I froze for a second to hear if one of my kids was up and walking around but it wasn't followed by another sound so my attention wandered back to the show. 

Paul dozed off and I sent him up to bed so I could get relief from his snoring.  After a while, I found myself dozing off too and the next thing I knew it was almost 1:00 a.m.  Then I heard it again from the direction of the livingroom, but this time I was better able to distinguish the source of the sound and my best guess was that the baby gate that is propped along the entranceway from the family room to the diningroom, tapped against the toy shelf it was leaning against.  That NEVER happens, what caused it?  I wondered.  But I quickly told myself I was being an idiot and clearly I'm watching too much paranormal t.v.  Back to my show but shortly afterwards it happened again, this was the third time.  I froze.  I tried to direct my attention to the tv but I felt my cheeks getting hot with fear and I couldn't tell myself I was being silly so I turned off the tv and decided to go up to bed. 

But in total darkness, I noticed the bright light of the moon shining into the kitchen and couldn't resist the chance to snap the moon.  I snatched my camera off of the island and decided to pop out quickly to take a picture.  I opened the sliding glass doors and stepped out with one foot inside the door and the rest of me leaning outside, I shot off 4 pictures in a row.  I pressed the "view" button and quickly noticed that there were more round things in my pictures than simply the moon.  I always take pictures of the moon and this never happens.  I think they were spirit orbs.  They're in different spots each time.  I whipped the door closed and decided that pajamas were over rated, jumped into bed with Claire and pulled the covers up tight. 

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