Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Homemade Crockpot Mac & Cheese by Request

This one is for you, Alana!
Start by adding a layer of shredded cheddar to the bottom of your slow cooker.

Boil however much macaroni you plan to serve, but keep it very al dente (mine overcooked here due to too much multitasking)

Layer the cheese and macaroni until you complete the top layer of cheese

mix a little mustard powder, milk and 2 eggs together

Pour the mustard/egg/milk mixture over the mac and cheese

Pour additional milk over the mac and cheese until you are ALMOST at the top.  Then salt and pepper it all.

Add pats of butter on top then Cover and Cook for a couple of hours.  I like to do it until it is crunchy around the edges.

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