Sunday, April 8, 2012

Dipping Easter Eggs!

Mixing the Dye

So Dark we're not sure what colour is what??

Making the Yellow

Ready to get Started.  Black shirts are easier than aprons.

Learning why we don't THROW the egg into the dye.

Being more gentle this time. Lowering with spoons.

Checking the darkness.  We added vinegar for vibrancy.

Claire requests her egg back

Removing Eggs

Going from Yellow to pink.  Made a nice Peach egg!

Claire's egg

Bunch of Easter Eggs drying

Hot pink and baby fingers

Griffin's darkest egg

Deciding to dip hers some more.

Finger nail scratches actually made this one kind of cool.

Mommy's striped egg

Stained fingers

Pleased with his results.

The final batch

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