Thursday, November 3, 2011

11/3/2011 ~ Zia Supplied at the Kids School Today


Zia supplied at the kids' school today.  I'm not sure who was more excited.  The kids, or Zia?  The very best part was that I didn't have to go out in the rain to pick them up after school.  Zia volunteered to get them after work so I had a little break.  But according to Lily, the best part was playing with Zia at recess when they stomped Zia's foot plenty of times during some version of foot stomping tag.  And Griffin was so happy to see her that he kissed her publicly, without being asked!  I shouldn't speak for her, but I think one of Zia's fav moments was bringing them home and discovering all of the Halloween candy on the Island.  Like a Bee to honey.

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