Tuesday, September 27, 2011

9/27/2011 ~ Town Water Shut-Off


What to do when you receive formal notice of the town water being shut off between the hours of 9-5?  Well, I raced around and quickly did my laundry and dishwasher loads early.  Filled the sink with hot soapy water to soak dishes we'd use today.  Prepped all water cups in advance.  A couple of pots on the stove filled with water for potential cooking.  Prepared a bunch of jugs of water, just in case.  One never knows if a kid is going to choose water shut-off day to vomit. I even filled a big bath of hot water in case we had a poopy diaper blow out, so it was nice and hot and would keep it's warmth throughout most of the day.  Let's say I have my bases covered.

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