Thursday, September 29, 2011

9/29/2011 ~ My Nemesis


The Island in my kitchen is out to get me.  When it is clean I have such a sense of peace.  I don't care if there is clutter on the microwave or in the area beside the fridge that tends to accumulate things.  The Island however, is the first thing you see when you enter the kitchen.  It's also the first place everyone sets their belongings down.  Much of the time it is full of junk that somehow gets off-loaded to me to sort out and determine a viable home for it all. 

Well my friends, today was the day I carved out enough time to not just chip away at it but I conquered the Island clutter.  Life is good.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

9/28/2011 ~ Principessa


It's official, Claire is a girly girl.  Flowing gowns at dress-up time.  Feeding babies bottles and covering them in blankets.  And her newest proof, an obsession with all things princess.  "Cinderella" is a fav, but she quickly studied her hand-me-down pillow case from Lily until she memorized all of the attending Princess names.  Cinderella, Aurora (NO her name is not "Sleeping Beauty"), and Snow White.  She carries Ariel around singing "Aaah AAAAA, AAAAAHHHH" and enjoys unrolling an Aurora Sleeping bag to sit on it like a throne.  This week she discovered Lily's old Princess sing along dvd. 

Here she is having a moment of bliss while soaking in all the lessons of life that Disney has so graciously bestowed on generations of little girls.  Poor Kid!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

9/27/2011 ~ Town Water Shut-Off


What to do when you receive formal notice of the town water being shut off between the hours of 9-5?  Well, I raced around and quickly did my laundry and dishwasher loads early.  Filled the sink with hot soapy water to soak dishes we'd use today.  Prepped all water cups in advance.  A couple of pots on the stove filled with water for potential cooking.  Prepared a bunch of jugs of water, just in case.  One never knows if a kid is going to choose water shut-off day to vomit. I even filled a big bath of hot water in case we had a poopy diaper blow out, so it was nice and hot and would keep it's warmth throughout most of the day.  Let's say I have my bases covered.

Monday, September 26, 2011

9/26/2011 ~ The Lightbulb Moment


I have decided to add a 365 project to my DayZero List, and 3hundreds6tens5ones is the place where I will attempt to post 1 picture a day, for a year.  I am certainly more of a fauxtographer than a photographer but nonetheless I am looking forward to capturing a year worth of memories, one snap at a time.

This is what I look like this evening as I sit alone in the dark at the kitchen table at 11:21 p.m..  
Our neighborhood has had a few reports of attempted break-ins this week so every single creek is absolutely freaking me out tonight.  Looking over my shoulder captures the feeling, a little.